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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Spelling Error Or ...???

"Welcome Tourist We Speak English"

" Dah mati camne nak jaga lagi?""hehehe



 "Bitch = Beach"

Email Forwarding by GE2U Group...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

6 Sifat Buruk Isteri Yang Mesti Dirawat

1. Wanita Ananah: banyak mengeluh dan mengadu dan tiap saat memperalatkan sakit atau buat-buat sakit.

2. Wanita Mananah: suka membangkit-bangkit terhadap suami. wanita ini sering menyatakan,”Aku membuat itu keranamu”.

3. Wanita Hananah: menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain.

4. Wanita Hadaqah: melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya untuk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya.

5. Wanita Baraqah: ada 2 makna, pertama yang sepanjang hari mengilatkan dan menghias mukanya, kedua dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagiannya.

6. Wanita Syadaqah: banyak cakap tidak menentu lagi bising.

Dicatat oleh Imam Al-Ghazali

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Learning How to Respect Love

This is not exactly a love story, but more about learning how to respect love ....

To My Friends Who Are...MARRIED

Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry", not "where are you' but "I'm right here", not "how could you" but "I understand", not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."

To My Friends Who Are...ENGAGED

The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how good you are for each other.

To My Friends Who Are...NOT SO SINGLE

Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person." It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

To My Friends Who Are...HEARTBROKEN

Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.

To My Friends Who Are...NAIVE

How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.

To My Friends Who Are...SEARCHING

True love cannot be found where it does not truly exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does. Love is magic. The more we hide it, the more it shows; the more you suppress it, the more it grows.

To My Friends Who Are...PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE

Never say I love if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look in the eye when what you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall.

To My Friends Who Are...POSSESSIVE

It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

To My Friends Who Are...AFRAID TO CONFESS

Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.

To My Friends Who Are...STILL HOLDING ON

A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and we just have to let go.

To My Friends Who Are...SINGLE

Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it would come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often times it hurts, but love's only special when you give it to someone who is worth it. So take your time and choose the best.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi (Opens - October 2010)

The world's first ferrari theme park - ferrari world abu dhabi is set to open in october 2010 announced as 'an intense multi-sensory experience and a must-visit for enthusiasts, fans and families'.

Ferrari world abu dhabi will host a number of attractions, including rides for children of all ages,providing the complete ferrari experience: over 20 state-of-the-art attractions, each designed tobring to life a different part of the ferrari story, including the world’s fastest rollercoaster, travelling at speeds exceeding 200 km/h and emulating the thrilling sensation of being in a ferrari f1 car, or
the g-force experience taking passengers on an adrenaline-pumping ride up over 62 m, through the roof and back down again.

The park is located on yas island - set to become a global tourist destination with a wide range of accommodation and entertainment facilities - on the north east side of abu dhabi ’s mainland.